Thursday, November 17, 2011


Okay, so I haven't blogged in forever, but I'm going to restart. Its semi embarrassing for me but I'm going to partially use this to help myself lose weight. Obviously that's not the most exciting blog to read but honestly mine wasn't that good anyways. Ill try to throw in other things as well since I just got an app for blogger on my phone. :)
I'm not sure what my starting weight is at this moment or whether I even feel ready to post that online yet. Lets call it an unhealthy weight vs trying to get down to a healthy weight. Sounds legitimate, right? Well, its what you're getting for the time being. My goal for now is to lose 20 lbs by the time I visit NH in January. If I fall short, hopefully ill have atleast lost some weight and if I lose more then that's even better and will help with my overall long term goal to get to a healthy weight. :) Well, that's it for now.